Saturday, April 01, 2006

Public Service Message

We interrupt your scheduled programming to bring you the following important announcement..

Millerton Lake wildflowers are now at their peak. So go visit now! The hills are still green thanks to the recent storms. The orange fiddleneck (Amsinckia), white popcorn flower (Plagiobothrys?), and Lupine are all flowering and carpeting the hills in color. There are some other flowers like Blue Dicks with a little less frequency but easy to find. Pam and I went for a date Friday night with Digby. It was his first outdoor adventure outside of town. We went during a storm that kept everyone else away and made for a perfect quiet night overlooking the lake on Sky Harbor Road and at the park at the end of the road. It rained on our way in and out but our stay was fairly dry. If you haven't been to Sky Harbor Road before it starts right next to Table Mountain Casino. It winds up around the ridge to Pincushion Mountain. The native people had a different name for it and held that the mountain played a part in the bringing of thunder. It gets very windy (must slow down) before it ends at a small picnic area and a trailhead to the San Joaquin River Trail. Not only will a storm keep away the teenagers who go to neck but it also makes for an interesting skyscape. Go before it gets hot and dried out. If you hike one of the trails out of the Winchell Cove Marina instead of Sky Harbor you might get to see Chinese Houses, a four-spot Clarkia, or wild cucumber (Marah).


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